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Wichert Financial Services Blog

How to Create Stronger Passwords and Protect Your Online Accounts

From email accounts to bank accounts, online shopping to online stock trading, you have many passwords to create and remember. Life would be easier if they were all the same. Or if they all came to mind quickly-like...

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Mastering the Art of Salary Negotiation

Mastering the Art of Salary Negotiation - Whether you’re a new college graduate interviewing for your first full-time job or a seasoned professional seeking a pay raise, it can be tricky to negotiate your salary. You...

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How to Bounce Back Financially After Being Laid Off

“Expect the unexpected” sounds like a good mantra, but even if you follow that advice, life can still surprise you and knock you off balance. Undoubtedly, being laid off from your job is one of those shocking surprises....

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How to Prioritize Financial Goals as Your Life Becomes More Complex

- How to Prioritize Financial - Goals as Your Life Becomes More Complex - Some people are savers, some are spenders, some live carefully within their means, and some live life to the fullest, even if that results in...

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8 Things to Consider Before Buying Your Aging Parent’s Home

The “great wealth transfer” is set to take place over the next two decades, when baby boomers (the wealthiest generation in American history) will pass $30 trillion down to younger generations. One common asset many...

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Financial Tips for Female Breadwinners

Financial Tips for Female Breadwinners - An increasing number of women are becoming primary breadwinners in their households, so one might assume women are also taking on most of the financial decisions. On the...

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Ways to Reduce Your Tax Liability

Ways to Reduce Your Tax Liability - Want to pay less taxes? If given a way to legally reduce tax liability, most Americans would welcome that opportunity with open arms. But methods for doing so aren’t always obvious-...

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What Can a Financial Advisor Do for You?

How can you get closer to achieving your financial goals? Depending on your income, assets, investments, and personal knowledge of finance, you may feel you can do a great job managing your money on your own. But...

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To Rollover - or Not to Rollover Your 401(k)

As you advance in your career and hold jobs at various companies, you may discover at some point that you’ve left behind valuable cookie crumbs: a trail of employer-sponsored retirement accounts. Leaving previous plans...

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4 Questions Adult Children Should Ask Their Parents Over the Holidays

It’s beginning to look a lot like Thanksgiving . . . and then Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve will follow. These are prime holidays for family gatherings, which can offer in-person opportunities to have...

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Your Year-End Financial Planning Checklist for 2023

As 2023 winds down, your focus may begin turning to holiday planning, family gatherings, and delicious food. You might even entertain the idea of getting your tax documents in order. Consider going a few steps further...

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How to Ensure That You’re Financially Prepared for an Emergency

When you’re starting a business, a family, or any other major life endeavor, you try to think of every risk so you can plan a strategy to put yourself on a path to success. Unfortunately, hardships aren’t always...

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The Importance of Financial Planning

Thinking about your retirement is often placed on the backburner with the busyness of our lives. However, it is critically important that we take a moment to reflect on how we are allocating financial resources for...

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